Is this you?
- Taking notice of the state of society
- Feeling pulled to prepare
- Don’t know where to start
- Want to save time and money
- Overwhelmed by all the information
If so, you’ve come to the right place. Peace of mind and the pantry of your prepping dreams are a few modules away.
You don’t have to waste your time, energy, and resources learning how to prep the hard way. Instead, you can grab this course and get right to work regardless of how big or small your home or apartment is.
You’ll learn all about:
- Choosing a place for your food storage
- Long-term pantry staples
- Preservation methods
- What you’ll need and the exact process of building short & long term food stores
- Water purification + storage
Plus get instant access to a bonus bundle that includes:
- Common food storage mistakes
- Bug out bag & car kit necessities
- Extra guides, checklists, and worksheets
(too much to list but every single thing I’d share with a bestie who’s new to the prepping game - 12 items in total!)
Regardless of your reasoning, everybody should be storing at least 2 weeks supply of non-perishable food for each household member.
It’s not all about being scared, your pantry can nourish you and your family:
- In an emergency
- During financial hardship
- For family gatherings
- When weather prevents travel
- If your local food supply is affected
Not to mention, prepped food travels easily, is shelf-stable, and makes a great gift! There is no downside to being more self-reliant.
21 Modules
A full course curriculum that brings even the most beginner prepper up to speed on the foundation of food and water storage. Upon completion, you will feel empowered and confident in preparing your own home.
Video Tutorials & Worksheets
Over 3 hours of easy-to-follow, self-paced videos explaining each step in detail plus worksheets and mini-guides. You have lifetime access to the information to refer back to and direct contact with me if you have any questions.
Bonus Resources
Checklists, tutorials, and guides that cover what’s in my bug-out bag & car emergency kits, how to clean water with bleach, linked shopping lists, and so much more!